Fantastic fall: America's box office hasn't bounced back
Pretty vacant: Nearly 20% of America's offices are lying unused
Musical chairs: Broadway attendance is back in the spotlight
Smaller doses: Pfizer's finances aren't what they were
Busy flights: Air travel is back
The old normal: Work-from-home rates are dropping... in some states more than others
Times Square: Slowly, but surely, the iconic intersection is bouncing back
Covid catchup: The latest data as hospitalizations rise
Necessary luxury: Luxury market has bounced back from covid
Pfizer: The pharma giant is putting its Covid cash to work
COVID: Taking stock of COVID's impact, 3 years after Wuhan's lockdown
The employment recovery: Not every industry has rebounded equally
CCP: The Chinese Covid Protests
Flu: Influenza season is hitting earlier this year
Extreme poverty: The pandemic plunged millions below the $2.15 a day threshold
Nobel efforts: Sequencing human genomes is getting cheaper
Jailhouse drop: Inmates in US jails dropped 25% during the pandemic
Jeans never faded: Levi's reported another solid quarter
Unplugged: Tesla's deliveries have slowed down
Trying to do it: Nike is struggling in China, with COVID and consumer tastes
Stocks are in a bear market: Sometimes it's helpful to zoom out
Tech layoffs: High-growth startups are shedding jobs... again
Too much stuff: The biggest retailers have stocked up too much
Babies: The birth rate in the US went up last year
A bit of both: Most employees want hybrid work
Starting slow: The box office is off to a slow start this year
New York, new way of work: Subway usage is still way down in the big apple
Covid in Hong Kong: After 2+ years, their zero-Covid policy has been broken
Is "peak globalization" behind us?
Parks and Rec: Disney's parks business is bouncing back
Inflation vs. interest rates: A tale of two trends
Pfizer's big year
Omicron: Early evidence from the UK is the silver lining in a dark cloud of cases
Toys "R" Us: The retailer is back, again
Air travel: Just as air travel was getting back to normal... Omicron appears
Eye of the storm: Europe is once again at the center of the COVID pandemic
Ferrari: The Italian supercar maker is back on top
A brief history of Zoom: The video conferencing company has been on quite a ride
Zero-covid: Australia's reliable plan has had to change
Lululemon: The company has been in the right place at the right time... for quite a while
15 years of Merkel: After a decade-and-a-half as German chancellor, Angela Merkel is leaving quite a legacy
Olympic marathons: This year it's all about the shoes
Airline incidents: Unruly passengers are causing disturbances at a record rate this year
The vaccine race: The latest data on vaccination programmes around the world
Pandemic hobbies: Some have stuck around longer than others
Delta variant: How transmissible is the COVID variant spreading in the UK and elsewhere?
Is the box office back? The latest data suggests signs of life for the big screen
State of the pandemic: Where are we vs. the peak? We check the latest data on 6 key regions
US vaccinations: The vaccination rate in the US is dropping
Uncle Sam's spending spree: The US federal government spent an unprecedented amount last year
US-China relations: How does the US public view China?
COVID in India: Cases are exploding in the world's second most populous country
US vaccine programme: The US vaccination drive has accelerated dramatically
Vaccine scepticism: Anti-vaccine sentiment may be softening as vaccine roll-outs gather pace
Gettin' around: How much are we moving around? We explore the latest data from Apple
A year in tweets: We look back on the last year with data from Twitter
Vaccines: Data from the UK adds to the mounting evidence from around the world: the vaccines are working
Entrepreneurs assemble: The pandemic isn't stopping entrepreneurs — quite the opposite in fact
Vaccine update: How long until we've administered enough?
Seasonal flu: How cases of flu have almost disappeared
The vaccination race: Doses are being administered, but which country is out in front?
Mental health: The data is clear, this year has taken its toll on everyone
Vaccine sceptics: With vaccines seemingly just around the corner which countries first need to convince their populations they are safe?
Vaccine effectiveness: How do the COVID-19 vaccines compare to vaccines for other diseases?
Woops, wrong Zoom: Investors thought they were buying Zoom stock...
Sweden: Are more relaxed measures working?
Airbnb's IPO delays: Something they may now regret?
Lockdown: How are people coping based on data from Google?
Streaming: Video is getting a big boost from lockdown, what about music?
Coronavirus tracker: switching to tracking fatalities
US weekly unemployment: Claims have hit levels never seen before
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